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I have a 1942 day streak with journaling and I'm kind of proud of that. A few years ago, I started a sort of daily journal using Day One. I had no intention of journaling every day, or forming any kind of streak, it was more that I kept reading various articles about how journaling has a number of mental health benefits and so I thought, why not give it a try? Every day before bed, I started writing an entry: some were long, and some were as short as a single sentence, but always just something to mark the day. Day One has an interesting feature where it automatically can add data about location, weather, and other things that I might not think to actually journal about, but which might be cool to look at later. Anyway, here I am on day 1492. Has it been helpful or useful? I'd have to say it has. Not only does it help me remember what I did on a particular day, but I find it interesting to read about things that, at the time, seemed really bad, or like a really big deal only to now realize that they were hardly anything at all. And of course there are the things that truly were a big deal, but that with time, memory has made seem less than that. So yes, I find it helpful and and am looking forward to writing something tomorrow on day 1943.