Hello, remember me?  I’d totally understand if you don’t, after all, I haven’t been blogging very often of late, well, even longer than just of late, something I’m again hoping to change.  The reason I’m writing today though is because I’m about to migrate my blog away from WordPress.  WordPress is a fantastic platform, but for me, it’s a really distracting one. Every time I log in, it seems there’s a new plugin to investigate, a new update to install, or a new block in the Gutenberg editor that I just have to understand how to use even though I know I’ll likely never actually use it.  Long story longer, I’m migrating my blog to Micro.blog, a service I’ve subscribed to for quite a while, but which I’ve been hesitant to use as my primary blogging platform…until now.

Micro.blog for those unfamiliar is an extremely easy-to-use platform which is tightly integrated with the Fediverse.  From the Micro.blog About page:

Micro.blog is a unique platform that combines blog hosting with a social media-style timeline and community.

It’s a paid hosting service for personal blogs that makes it easy to publish short or long posts. Use it for short thoughts, longer essays, photos, podcasts, what books you’re reading, links to news articles, and more.

It’s a community whose members share posts via a timeline that is a safe space for conversations, free from advertising, trolling, and abuse, with community guidelines that are enforced.

I really love the social aspect of Micro.blog and I love the idea of consolidating various apps that I already use into one feed.  After all, this blog is Steves.life and so it just sort of makes sense for it to be a place that combines the various apps and services that I already use to keep track of what’s going on in my life.  Couple all that with an interface that is simple to use and doesn’t contain the elements that tend to distract me and this seems like a good idea.

So, what happens next?  After sending this post, I’m going to start migrating everything over to my Micro.blog instance.  Micro.blog has its own Email newsletter feature and so if you’re already subscribed to receive Email versions of my posts, you should continue to receive them.  If you’re subscribed to my RSS feed, I’m not exactly sure how that will migrate over, my hope is that the feed address will be similar enough that RSS readers will just pick up where they left off, if not, you may need to resubscribe with a slightly different RSS feed address.  Unfortunately I’m not sure how that will work until after I switch everything over.  If you follow this blog on Mastodon or a similar Fediverse service, you will need to re-follow as there’s no way for me to redirect Fediverse followers given limitations with the WordPress Fediverse implementation.  So unfortunately, you too may need to re-follow, more info will be forthcoming after I finish the migration.  So, long and short is that the URL will be the same:https://steves.life, Email subscriptions should continue to work, RSS feed subscriptions may continue to work although you may need to resubscribe, and ditto for Fediverse followers.  After the migration is successful, I’ll post updated Fediverse and RSS info for anyone who needs it.  Most importantly though, I am hopeful that migrating to Micro.blog will make things easier and less distracting for me and that ultimately, this will help me do more blogging and less talking about how I want to do more blogging.

With all that said, it’s time for me to publish this and to begin the migration.  Wish me luck and I hope you’ll continue to follow me and to enjoy Steves.life.