I’m looking for a new VPN provider and am curious if any of my readers use one that they would recommend. I’ve been extremely happy with my current VPN provider, ExpressVPN, but $116.95 billed every 12 months is frankly more than I want to pay for a VPN service that I only use occasionally. Ideally, the perfect VPN for me would:

  • Be accessible on Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android.
  • Allow 3RD party clients to be used if needed, such as if their main client becomes inaccessible because of an update or something.
  • Alert me if the connection has been dropped. After all, a VPN that would allow traffic to proceed normally if the VPN connection drops is not very useful. My work VPN has no trouble managing this, but I haven’t encountered a consumer VPN product yet that does this right — maybe I’ve just been using the wrong ones?

When reading various reviews for VPN services, they often contain a number of features that don’t interest me particularly although I guess they would be bonuses:

  • Ability to direct traffic through a specific country.
  • Ability to circumvent geolocation restrictions.
  • Additional products unrelated to the VPN itself such as password managers and the like.

If you use a VPN service that you like, I would definitely love to learn more. And if you can get some sort of referral credit by sharing an affiliate link, feel free to pass that along as well.