The Ultimate Blog Challenge and a brief introduction for those who don't know me.
I have decided to take part in the Ultimate Blog Challenge. The Ultimate Blog Challenge challenges bloggers to try and publish at least one entry per day throughout the month of August. So, why am I doing this? Blogging is something I keep talking about wanting to do more regularly and more consistently and yet I'm always hesitant to actually get started. My hope is that by doing this challenge, I'll get better at that "just get started" thing and that over time, I will feel more confident publishing.
So, who am I?
For those that don't know me, my name is Steve and I've worked in the accessibility field for all my life -- well at least for most of it. I was born blind and over my life, have witnessed the incredible impact technology has changed on my ability, and the ability of others, to have access to information. That access to information thing is incredibly empowering in ways ranging from socioeconomic to vocational. When people have access to information, they are empowered to make informed decisions, they can actively contribute in so many ways, it's just an amazing thing that I'm obviously very passionate about. I also view accessibility as a springboard for innovation, not something that impedes progress. Indeed, many of the things we take for granted resulted from some sort of accessibility-related innovation -- maybe a topic for a future article?
Whether you have followed me and this blog for quite a while, or whether you have just discovered me, I want to thank you for reading, for joining me as I attempt the Ultimate Blog Challenge and most of all, for being part of the conversation. If you would like to receive new posts from this blog directly in your Email, you can add your address below and activate the subscribe button.