• Demo of Direct Touch Typing on iOS8

    In this audio demo, I discuss the new Direct Touch Typing input method introduced in iOS8 and show how it works with VoiceOver.

  • Audio Demo of adding a card to Apple Pay using the iPhone camera

    Apple’s new Apple Pay feature allows the iPhone camera to be used to add a new credit card. In this brief audio demo, I walk through this surprisingly accessible process using VoiceOver.

  • Review: A Quiver Full of Arrows

    A Quiver Full of Arrows A Quiver Full of Arrows by Jeffrey Archer
    My rating: 5 of 5 stars

    I can’t say enough positive about Jeffrey Archer’s writing, it’s fantastic, it’s captivating, it’s, well, awesome. This book is a collection of short stories on a variety of topics, many of which made me chuckle, some of which were sad, but all of which were cleverly written.

    View all my reviews

  • Review: The Great Santini

    The Great Santini The Great Santini by Pat Conroy
    My rating: 0 of 5 stars

    A fantastic, yet sad book about a young man growing up in a military family with a very strict Marine father. Plot focuses on the young man’s coming of age, his struggle to come out of his father’s shadow and become his own person. I definitely enjoyed the author’s writing style, it’s very descriptive and very real. After reading this book, I learned that the author draws on his own experiences in this book. I’m definitely planning to read more of this author’s works.

    View all my reviews

  • Review: As the Crow Flies

    As the Crow Flies As the Crow Flies by Jeffrey Archer
    My rating: 5 of 5 stars

    Archer is definitely one of my favorite authors and this book definitely did not disappoint. Loved everything about it, highly recommend.

    View all my reviews

  • Some rain, thunder and a little wind as recorded with the Zoom IQ5 iPhone mic

    We just had a brief thunder storm pass through, so I thought it’d be a great opportunity to again play with the Zoom IQ5 iPhone mic.

  • Brief demo of the Yo app

    In this brief episode, I demonstrate the Yo app, an ultra simple, somewhat ridiculous app that has gone viral in recent months.

  • My demo of the Zoom IQ5 stereo mic for Lightning devices

    In this episode, I demonstrate the Zoom IQ5 stereo mic for Lightning devices. WARNING, as this is a live demo, there are severe fluctuations in audio volume.

  • Testing The Mobile Podcaster App

    in this brief episode, I Testan app that I recently downloaded calledMobile Podcaster.


  • Testing the latest iOS WordPress app

    I am sitting outside using the iOS dictation feature to dictate this blog post via the iOS WordPress app. Like word press itself, I am pleased to find that for the most part, the iOS app is accessible. One weird exception, is that on the post compose screen, the title field and content fields seem to be reversed such that voiceover encounters the content field before encountering the title field. Certainly, this does not make the app unusable, however, it is a bit strange and is something I will definitely be reporting.

    So why use the iOS app? For one thing, it’s a very convenient way to compose posts while on the go. You can also read and moderate comments and blogs that you follow. Another neat feature is that you can receive a push notification whenever someone comments, or otherwise interacts with a post. When you take into consideration that, like WordPress itself, the app is free, it makes for a very neat mobile blogging system. If you have a word press blog and haven’t tried it yet, definitely download the iOS app. I’m not sure exactly who to thank, but someone has clearly spent a great deal of time ensuring the app is accessible, something I definitely appreciate.

  • Tap tap tap, is this thing on?

    Well hello everyone, remember me? It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here, so long in fact that I’m not even sure this post will actually publish. Since I don’t know if I’m essentially blogging to myself, I’ll keep this short and just say that I haven’t lost interest in blogging and plan to do more of it. Which begs the question, what will I be blogging about? Well I certainly have ideas, but if anyone is reading this and has suggestions about what they might want to see, please let me know in the comments area below.

    Thanks for reading, there’s definitely more to come.

  • Guitar from the car

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