Gabby's Christmas Wish and how you can help
> Dear Family and Friends
> Every year Steve and I, like many parents, asked our kids what they wanted for Christmas. This year Gabrielle gave us an answer that made us burst with pride. She stated that since she has so many things her Christmas wish would be to help the children that are having to stay in the hospital over the Christmas Holiday. She has used her own money to purchase many items on the Amplatz Children’s Hospital wish list. She would also like to reach out to all of our friends and family to see if they would like to help her with this effort. Amplatz Children’s Hospital is a part of the University of Minnesota Hospital located in Minneapolis. We have to deliver our donation by the 20th of December so they have enough time to wrap and assign the gifts. If you would like to help Gabrielle achieve her Christmas wish please let us know what you would like to donate. We can take donations via PayPal. Since Gabby is too young to have her own Paypal account we are using Steve’s. The email address is
> As her parents we are very proud of Gabrielle’s generous heart and want to encourage her endeavors. Thank you for considering this.
> Thanks So Much
> Jenn