Testing the ability to post via the iOS WordPress app

I have just installed the iOS WordPress app and so am curious whether or not I am able to post from it. Except for a few buttons which have rather odd labels, the app seems relatively accessible.

For those who have not used it, the WordPress app allows you to see all posts in your blog, moderate comments, and of course post new content. I have to say, it’s pretty neat.

Testing, Testing, Is This Thing On?

Hi folks and welcome to my new home on the web here at https://www.steves.life . Not going to make this too long as I’m not sure this will actually post — if it does, setting up WordPress and migrating posts over from my other blogs was way easier than I thought it’d be. Undoubtedly I still have things that are broken, so I’d appreciate it if someone could take a second and try to comment on this post.

Very excited to hopefully be up and running,
